2014 - Candice De Weerd was crowned the 2014 Listowel Fair Ambassador
Wingham Advance Times July 25,2024 turnbacks
1974 - Both the Town of Listowel and the Village of Brussels, according to a report by the Ministry of Environment, were polluting the waters of the Middle Maitland River with “untreated municipal-industrial wastes” entering the river through “uncontrolled municipal and industrial sewers”.
When it comes to Alice Munro, we can’t separate art from artist
I gave myself more time to write this column than usual. I wanted to sit with the news of Andrea Skinner’s abuse at the hands of her step-father, and the revelations of her mother Alice Munro protecting him and their marriage over her daughter.
Living life in the fast lane
A few weeks ago, I started to urinate blood – not steady, just intermittently.
Walkerton Herald-Times July 25, 2024 turnbacks
- CN will abandon railway line;
Please think before you speak
I got into journalism in 2019 after many years of reading, watching, and hearing the majority of Canada’s and the United States’ mainstream media repeatedly get it wrong when reporting on Indigenous People.
Time to end the code of silence
It took the police over two weeks to release information that most people who had heard or seen the news report had already figured out. The killer of a woman and her two children in Harrow, Ont., was the woman’s husband and the children’s father. The Walsh family died of gunshot wounds, the man’s s
Heat is just as deadly as cold
Canada’s housing crisis has been brewing for a long time, although it burst into the headlines during the COVID pandemic.
The Golden Anniversaries is hilarious, heartwrenching and you will be happy you saw it
Why do couples always get to this comfort level with each other where they can well and truly speak their mind - no matter the inappropriateness or vulgarity, and direct it at not only each other but also others outside of the relationship? When this happens no one is safe, not their friends, neighb
Midwestern Newspapers July 11, 2024 turnbacks
2014 – Seven contestants compete for fair ambassador title: Amy Kieftenburg; Candice De Weerd; Stephanie Farrish; Rebekah Hamilton; Hailey Weber; Megan Thompson; Jodi Vanden Braak.
Support for local news
We’ve been critical in recent (and not-so-recent) weeks, of numerous initiatives of Premier Doug Ford’s Conservative Ontario government, so it seems only fair to shine a light on a positive development emanating from that corner.
When life hands you lemons…make lemonade
As many of you know, my husband and I have been making plans to move to BC for several years, and up until Monday night, we thought those plans were finally coming to fruition.
Butterfly effect would be a game changer
Among my favorite movies is The Butterfly Effect. The 2004 film features Ashton Kutcher as a troubled time traveller who discovers, to his chagrin, that attempts to correct mistakes in the past can generate unintended consequences for the future.
A parka with shorts? Why not?
With the arrival of Canada Day, many of us muse about what it means to be Canadian.
July 4, 2024 Turnbacks
2014 – Listowel and Wingham hospitals prepared to participate in a provincial program to increase the sharing of information across health care providers.