Don’t be fooled by what you are being shown on mainstream media right now. Along with the smoke,…
No more affectionate ‘Irish Eyes’ duets
Despite the talk about the wonderful history of friendship between Canada and the United States,…
Time to compartmentalize
Normally I am among those who are least likely to be sympathetic to folks who don’t engage during…
The tales of John Broderick
John Broderick (1840-1926) was a well-respected figure in Mitchell’s history. His jovial and good-natured disposition earned him the affection of not only the town, but the surrounding Perth County communities as well.
The first Anglican Church in Walkerton
Acknowledging the traditional native land and recounting the early history within 175 years
Oh, what you can learn from a tube of saliva
About a week before Christmas, I spit into a plastic tube and shipped it off to British Columbia. That sounds weird – I should explain that it was for a 23andMe DNA test.
Is user-pay a fair way to lower taxes?
The big question when government bodies large and small set their annual budgets is how to make a tax increase palatable – or at least unlikely to infuriate taxpayers.
White pine: gentle giants of our forests
Written by: Shannon Wood The eastern white pine is perhaps the most regal and majestic tree in our…
Tariff-ic time for election
Despite a last-minute reprieve, Canadians are being dragged into a trade war that would appear unlikely to benefit anyone.
Plot twist
I like to look back on my life so far as if it were chapters in a book. Things have always moved in phases – much like seasons, I believe there to be clear distinctions between one chapter of my life, and turning a page into another.
Ontario voters face a ‘perfect storm’
Politically speaking, we are facing a perfect storm. Remember the movie about three weather fronts that converged and wreaked havoc?
Right Time –Wrong Election
There is no doubt that the good people of Perth Wellington, Huron-Bruce, and Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound deserve an election right now. The fact that it is provincial instead of federal speaks volumes to the deficit of character currently on display from our political class.
A series of elitist events at Perth County Council
Did anyone else read the book series titled A Series Of Unfortunate Events by Daniel Handler under the pen name Lemony Snicket?
Pastor encourages drawing close to God during winter season
Winter’s beauty often leaves me in awe. God blankets the world in white and brings a stillness…
Let’s Go for a Joe
Do you know what I am talking about? Of course you do. Virtually everyone has a cupa “Joe” every day and that includes me. This is a common phrase, known by everyone.