You know the line in “’Twas the Night Before Christmas” by Clement Moore … “The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.”
Naughty, nice or inexplicable
Santa Claus has had a pretty busy season so far.
Message to all who make Christmas merry and bright
This is the time of year that makes it or breaks it for many merchants. They count on holiday shoppers to edge them into the black for the year.
Newspaper published stories about special market days
With the crisp winter air likely nipping at the cheeks of the townsfolk a century ago, Stratford held two Christmas markets in December of 1924.
‘Tis the season to give
This is the time of year that makes it or breaks it for many merchants. They count on holiday shoppers to edge them into the black for the year.
Walkerton Herald-Times Dec. 12, 2024 turnbacks
From December 13, 1989:
Canada Food Board encouraged Canadians to adapt diets, and newspapers published war menus and recipes during First World War
Beginning in 1914, the first year of World War I, both federal and provincial governments committed food supplies to support the Canadian war effort.
Mind boggling baseball math
Like baseball fans across the country, I watched the Jaun Soto stakes with great interest and an eye for the potential impact on our Blue Jays.
Artificial intelligence offers applications for health industry
I first started writing columns about “My Voyage with Dementia” about 84 months ago.
Taxing credibility
Turns out all these years of political fuss about debts and deficits were just smoke and mirrors, since our upper tiers of government are clearly awash in cash.
Let the games begin
As the world gears up for the impending change of government in the United States, threats of punishing tariffs have Canada’s provincial and federal leaders spinning. Go, Team Canada, eh!
Bruce County residents’ historical accounts available for all
On Nov. 2, 1979 Laura McPhail sat before a cassette recorder and began to talk about her life in Southampton.
Head in the clouds? Don’t drive high
Driving under the influence of cannabis is a growing concern in Canada, especially following the legalization of its use for recreational purposes. The misconception that cannabis impairs driving less than alcohol can lead to dangerous and even fatal consequences on the road.
Remembering the Montreal massacre
We know some of the victims’ stories, or at least the bits police and sometimes family members and witnesses share with the media.
Trump transgressions ignored
I’d like to write a column explaining how Americans made such a counter intuitive choice for…