According to the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism’s Digital News Report 2024, Canadians’ trust in news is 39 per cent. For comparison, Americans’ trust is news is even lower at 32 per cent.
CTV parts ways with staff after debacle over spliced video clip
I try to bite my tongue a lot of the time when it comes down to things like this, but two weeks ago CTV National News really let me down as a reporter.
Courthouse addition nearing completion
The addition to the Perth County courthouse, named Connecting Link, is nearing completion with an anticipated occupancy date in November.
Listowel’s CIBC Run For The Cure participants and volunteers gather at Memorial Park
The run took place last Saturday, raising awareness for breast cancer.
Howick approves three consent applications for four residential lots
Council here dealt with three consent applications affecting one subject property located on the corner of Gorrie Line and Harriston Road (County Road 87).
County stewardship program returns for second year
The Perth County Stewardship Program is back for a second year to support tree-planting projects and forest management plans across the region.
Police appeal to public for DNA for 57-year-old missing persons case
The OPP is seeking any remaining biological family members of Neil Wormsbecker and Hank Englebertus Halff to come forward and provide a DNA sample to compare against all samples of found human remains in the DNA database.
Listowel Banner – Turnbacks, October 9, 2024
Turnbacks from this week in Listowel Banner history.
Experts share views ahead of Oct. 28 community vote on NWMO’s deep geological repository proposal
Five experts in varying fields spoke to a group of 160 on Oct. 5, at an information event about the NWMO’s deep geological repository (DGR) project proposed in Teeswater.
Two North Perth residents receive Coronation Medals
At a ceremony at Listowel’s Royal Canadian Legion Branch 259, twenty area citizens received King Charles III Coronation Medals.
More affordable housing developments underway in Huron County
The County of Huron is taking proactive measures to address the issue of affordable housing in Huron County by developing additional affordable housing units, a press release states.
A feeding tube journey
I have been researching the medications and vitamins that are available to me and fed to me, while I was fed through my stomach.
Ironmen lose three in weekend action
The Wingham Ironmen had a tough weekend of Provincial Junior Hockey League (PJHL) action, dropping three games on the road.
South Bruce discusses county-level investment in local services; childcare and paramedic services at the forefront of concern
Council here heard a delegation on the benchmarked investment Bruce County makes in upper tier local services in the municipality of South Bruce. Council raised questions about services that relate to some of the most topical issues locally – childcare and paramedic services.
Pastor Ralph Dwarika retires after 38 years of service
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Listowel and Wallace Township pastor retires.