A space alien visiting Earth this time of year would probably be wondering what happened to the celebration pictured on those Currier and Ives greeting cards.
Riverside Apartments set to renew construction in the spring
Riverside Apartments’ goal is to resume construction in the spring, according to co-owners Brock Hodgins and Jonathan Eelman.
South Bruce council to discuss allowing backyard chickens
A report will be coming to a future South Bruce council meeting about the possibility of allowing a small hen house on a residential property in an urban setting.
South Bruce council approves DGR hosting agreement framework
After much discussion by members of council, South Bruce will move forward with negotiating a hosting agreement with the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) for its proposed deep geological repository (DGR) project near Teeswater.
Morris-Turnberry council approves Official Plan amendments
Council approved the proposed amendments to the Morris-Turnberry Official Plan that were presented during a public meeting last month.
Morris-Turnberry gives notice to North Huron to withdraw from cross-border agreement in Belgrave
Morris-Turnberry CAO Trevor Hallam sent a letter to North Huron CAO Dwayne Evans regarding services shared by the residents of the two municipalities.
Council approves tender for Howson Dam decommissioning
North Huron council authorized the tender results, pending final approval from GSS Engineering, to decommission the Howson Dam at the Dec. 19 regular council meeting.
Giving the gift of wrapping
Youth Unlimited YFC North Huron volunteers Jared Fitch, 19, and Abbie Ghent, 17, spent their Friday helping out at a fundraiser for the youth group. The event was part of Wingham’s ‘I’ll be Gnome for Christmas’ campaign. It was held in the front lobby at The Dance Factory on Dec. 16 and 17. Naturall
Avian flu identified in poultry in Perth County
Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 has been identified in live poultry delivered by an independent third party to a commercial processing plant in Perth County, according to Huron Perth Public Health (HPPH).
New MRI machine coming to Wingham and District Hospital
A MRI machine is expected to be up and running in Wingham in the next couple of years following the announcement of provincial funding of $1 million to procure the medical imaging machine.
Police investigating another theft from Listowel construction site
Perth County OPP are investigating yet another theft from a construction site in North Perth.
Brian Milne acclaimed as Grey County warden
Southgate Mayor Brian Milne has been acclaimed to the position of Grey County warden.
Shriner make donation to Walkerton hospital
The Shriners made a $500 donation to the Walkerton and District Hospital Foundation on Tuesday, Dec. 13. From the left are Pat Simpson – foundation director, Shriners Brian McTavish, Dave Inglis and Gary McGregor, and Brittany Hawkins – foundation executive director. The gift is an annual one. The l
Source Protection Committee honours two retiring members
The Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Committee (SPC) honoured two retiring members, at its Nov. 30 meeting.