Local schools have garnered a good reputation in the trades industry, however, the latest stat associated with Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) participation and completion will only further benefit it.
Finding answers to rural health-care crisis
Desperation makes people do crazy things – like driving for miles in a snowstorm, and standing in a lineup, outside, in the snow, that snakes around the block – to see if you can sign up for a family doctor.
South Bruce committee focuses on firefighter-specific health concerns
Council here heard an update on the municipality’s health and safety activities at their Dec. 10 meeting.
Morris-Turnberry sees slower 2024 for building permits, construction values
At their Jan. 14 meeting, council here heard a year end report from the municipality’s building department, offering a glimpse of 2024 in growth from a construction perspective.
Over one thousand line up to sign up for new family doctor
A thousand people who live within 100 kilometres of Walkerton now have a family doctor.
Howick decreasing maintenance gravel activities to decrease proposed 2025 tax rate increase
After a request that staff here aim to decrease the overall proposed tax rate increase of 9.6 per cent, staff looked into whether decreasing maintenance gravel activities in 2025 could be a potential solution.
OMHA introduces Representative ‘Zone’ hockey for 2025/26 season
The Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) and its Western Ontario Athletic Association (WOAA) League are introducing a pilot project creating ‘A’ Zones for the 2025-26 season.
Howick Hockey Day event included a faceoff between Howick Optimists and Howick Fire
HOWICK – The Howick Hockey Day finale on Jan. 18 was a faceoff between the Howick Optimists Club…
Donate in Memory of Kurt David Stamper
On January 19, The Stamper Family suffered an unimaginable loss of their son, Kurt David, aged 3, in a tragic farm accident at their home. A GoFundMe page has been organized, and the funds raised will be going directly to the family for all funeral related expenses.
Morris-Turnberry won’t move forward with memorial gate repair
At their Dec. 17 meeting, council here decided not to repair, replace or move the memorial gates located at the Turnberry Conservation Area for the time being.