Immigration, the forgotten issue

While the major political parties have been busy trying to promise their way into government, sadly no one is talking about the most important economic issue facing Canada today, a severe shortage of labour. It does not matter what industry – white collar, blue collar, or jobs where you don’t need a

Bruce County Historical Society hosting 9/11 webinar

The Bruce County Historical Society has issued a Zoom invitation to everyone for 7 p.m. on Thursday to hear Captain (Retired) Percy Purpura share his thoughts on 9/11 and how those events shaped our world and Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan.

Viewing ‘agents of change’ as knowledgeable and valuable

I was thinking today about the first time I showed someone, whom I met in the Village, that their life experiences were looked upon as a valuable asset for employment. I remember feeling so profoundly moved by how this person felt that their journey with addiction and homelessness translated into a

It has already been a crazy summer

What a crazy summer it has been. It started on June 15 with a national radio interview with Matt Galloway on CBC’s The Current. At the end of July, we received a call from the Canadian Alzheimer's Society asking if we would do another interview, this time with CBC TV news. We agreed to call the CBC

Gradually getting back to normal

Gradually the Walkerton Legion is returning to normal with all the proper health protocols in place. Thursday afternoon darts are back again, but not team darts yet.

Pass the nail polish

While some of the memories seem like yesterday, the doors of Listowel’s most famous watering hole, Modeans, have been closed for over a decade.