Please allow me space to reply to Brockton Councillor Carl Kuhnke’s article published in your paper on April 24: “Airport would be better under private ownership.”
Is better liquor access really worth $600 million?
Raise your hand if you’re having a harder time finding a stiff drink than a family doctor or an open emergency room in your community? How about an affordable home?
Chance encounter inspires memories of life off-line
I recently found myself chatting with a stranger at a party. As we traded pleasantries, the topic of occupation came up and he explained he was a farmer, while I confessed to being a journalist (an admission that can induce some diverse reactions these days).
How effective will licence suspensions for auto thieves be?
At first glance, the Ontario government’s move to suspend the drivers’ licences of convicted car thieves seems like a “get tough on crime” move that is badly needed.
Trade apprenticeships: pathways to prosperity and happiness
A new survey last week showed young Canadians were among the least happy group of people in the country based on age and also one of the most discontented in the developed world.
Living the dream: my road to The Banner
Some of you may already know or recognize my name, but for those who do not, I’m Nicole…
Mom! Emergency! The cell phone has no power!
Emergency Preparedness Week was May 5-11. The timing of the event is impeccable; those April showers bring more than the lovely array of May flowers we are now enjoying.
Ignoring a crisis won’t make it go away
Ontarians will no doubt be thrilled to learn there is no shortage of physicians in the province.
The mind does run the body
What a week this has been! I go from a “Feeling Good” to an accident victim (of my own stupidity).
Back to the writing board!
A certain Einstein once said “information is not knowledge; the only source of knowledge is experience,” but after spending eight months in college, it seems real knowledge comes from a combination of both.
Small business is bleeding
Everyone knows you don’t kick someone when they’re down.
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck …
There was a time when “spin,” used as a verb, involved turning fibre into yarn.
Gutter politics
Official Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre created quite a stir in the past couple of weeks with his pledge to use the notwithstanding clause to override any laws that don’t suit his worldview in a bizarre op-ed piece in which he trashed every form of business association going.
May 9, 2024 turnbacks
2014 – A bylaw to bring ATVs to the trails in North Perth was defeated for the third time after a vote from North Perth Council.
The mind runs the body and the body feeds the mind
You had better believe it. It is seldom that the body and the mind do not work together, but not with me. It is not just ‘old age’ that causes my body and my mind to cease operating together. But that is what has happened to me. A disease called dermatomyositis (DM) has taken over my total body. Thi