A library card is free; however, its value is priceless

What do an intelligent spider, a humble pig, and a feisty rat have in common? They were all part of E.B. White’s novel, Charlotte’s Web (1952).  Charlotte, Wilbur, and Templeton all came to life for a little, curly headed girl in a grade one classroom in a rural town in Western Tennessee.

Listowel Branch 259 marks Legion Week

Legion Week is Sept. 17-23, 2023. Major Andrew McKeever, Listowel Legion, Branch 259 is busy with our usual activities – cards, darts, pool, seniors dance, Thursday evening Catch the Ace draws, monthly veterans Buddy Check Coffee, and Friday night meat draws. Come on out to join us.

We look for a day when faith will be made sight

Recently our worship service was opened with a call to worship that acknowledged that God is Sovereign, that He reigns above all and above everyone else and that He is actually in control. From that thought we were called to worship Him, submit our hearts to Him and acknowledge His goodness and care