Hanover Falcons U13 LL win tournament

The Hanover Falcons U13 LL team took first place in the Wade Simmons Memorial Hockey Tournament in Tiverton on Nov. 29. They won over Arran-Elderslie Minor Hockey in a tight game, with Hanover scoring the winning goal with just three minutes left in the third period.

A message from Walkerton Legion President Rose Austin

Once again, we’ve had a successful Poppy Campaign, thanks to donations from businesses and individuals and to those who took part in tagging. Our appreciation goes out to the businesses who accepted poppy boxes or decorated their store windows for remembrance, and to Maple Court for the beautiful fi

Guiding movement in Canada, Perth County

The Girl Guide movement began in 1909 when girls demanded to take part in a Boy Scout rally at the Crystal Palace in London, England. Lord Robert Baden-Powell was a British Army General who had written a series of articles on scouting based on his experiences and they were published in an English bo

‘Love your neighbour as yourself’

If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple – Luke 14:26