Bruce County is now accepting applications for this year’s Summer Company program.
Bruce County administration buildings, museum reopen
On Monday, Jan. 31, Bruce County administration buildings in Walkerton, Kincardine, Port Elgin, and Wiarton welcomed the public back for in-person service.
Survey: Help plan Bruce County’s electric vehicle charging network
Bruce County and key regional partners are developing a preliminary regional electric vehicle charging network strategy and are exploring ways to support more people travelling to, and within, our area in an electric vehicle (EV).
Walkerton Legion welcomes everyone again
The very first day the Legion reopened, a power outage affected a wide area of homes and businesses and we had to rely on the light through the windows.
Belt earned
The last month of 2021 saw a major accomplishment for one particular student at Schweitzer’s Martial Arts in Wingham. Makayla Schnurr was invited to test for a new belt, and she stepped up to the challenge, gave it her all, and was successful. On Dec. 11, Schnurr earned her Yellow Belt with a Black
FCC economists identify five ‘crystal’ charts to watch in 2022
Like fortune tellers with crystal balls, Farm Credit Canada’s (FCC) economics team has been studying their “crystal” charts to forecast what’s in store for Canada’s agriculture and food industry in 2022.
Bob’s basic beliefs on family, work, health
After writing these columns over the past four years, I think that is time to tell you a little about me.
Present tense promises
Past tense is used to describe things that have already happened. For example, “I was walking outside in the cold yesterday.” Future tense is used describe things that have not yet happened.
Thomas Edison’s Stratford connection
After 50 years of operation, Stratford-Perth Archives continues to house an ever-growing collection of material that is carefully preserved and made accessible for researchers from not only Perth County, but around the world.
Calculating the incalcuable – Part III
The parable of the boy who cried wolf has remained timeless as its lesson is as applicable today as it was over 2,500 years ago when Aesop wrote it. A tale told many ways yet always the same – embellish peril to encourage sympathy only to find that when real danger approaches, sympathy is lost.
Sweet snowman!
Oliver Cottrill checks out the snowman on his grandparent’s front lawn.