Harwill Farms held its 11th annual Pumpkin Palooza event on Oct. 2-3 just outside of Gowanstown.
ORNGE air ambulance used to transport worker with life-threatening injuries
A hydro worker was sent to an out-of-area hospital with life-threatening injuries after what Huron County OPP is calling an apparent electrocution just outside of Wingham on Sunday.
Maitland Conservation members tour ecological stream restoration project on Dickies Creek
Maitland Conservation (MC) board members toured a recently completed ecological stream restoration project in Lucknow that will significantly improve the site next to the Lucknow Community Greenway Trail.
Demand exceeding supply for local breakfast club
Maitland River Elementary School principal Angela Cowley is very concerned for students she says are arriving at school every day with no lunch.
From humble beginnings
Anja and Henry van der Vlies are from the same town in Holland. Yet, they never met until both were in Canada.
Beyond the orange shirt
Orange Shirt Day/National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is here, a day for reflection and gathering knowledge about the atrocities that happened to Indigenous People here on Turtle Island, including the residential school system.
Alice Munro Library hosts Huron County Welcome Night
As part of the annual Huron County Welcoming Night campaign and celebration aimed at newcomers to the area and the country, Wingham hosted its evening at the Alice Munro Library, serving hot coffee and tea, soft drinks, and pizza to those who attended.
Parking bylaw questioned again in North Huron
Rachel King, general manager of the Blyth Festival, spoke to North Huron council about the two-hour parking limit included in bylaw No. 91-2022, which provides regulations and parking enforcement and was on the agenda for renewal at the Sept. 19 regular council meeting.
24-hour gym opening in Wingham, smoothie bar coming soon
Hailey and Cody McCann are celebrating their most significant milestone as they prepare to welcome you to downtown Wingham’s new 24-hour access gym and smoothie bar.
North Huron council updates remuneration, expense bylaw
Council discussed the proposed updates to the remuneration and expense bylaw that would see the next sitting councillors get a raise to align them with other Huron County municipalities.
Huron Perth Public Health releases 2021 annual report
Huron Perth Public Health (HPPH) released its first comprehensive annual report since Huron and Perth health units merged to become HPPH in January 2020.
Mural project at Wescast Community Complex moves forward
A mural project funded by Huron County got the nod from North Huron council to move forward in the process, telling the two groups who submitted expressions of interest to collaborate with staff to create a final concept design.
Empty county council seat filled with representative from Goderich
Warden of Huron County, Glen McNeil, welcomed Goderich resident Michele Hansen to county council during her first appearance as a sitting representative from the town.
Sawchuk requests refresh of library washroom
North Huron councillors received a gentle reminder from best-selling author and professional speaker Julie Sawchuk that more work needs to be done to become a completely accessible township, along with an offer to help achieve that goal.
South Bruce council approves rezoning application
Council approved a rezoning bylaw amendment from Ron Groen to add a temporary, portable dwelling to his farm to house workers shared with a neighbouring farm.