Westario scores high in customer satisfaction

WALKERTON – Following a recent survey conducted throughout the energy industry, Westario Power received an exceptionally high score in customer satisfaction excellence.

“Customer engagement is an emotional experience and measuring satisfaction is the bedrock for the creation of loyal customers. Westario Power has credibility in the communities we serve, and it is our focused goal to ensure every interaction meets customer expectations,” said president and CEO, Jenny Alfandary. “We have the trust of our customers, and their loyalty is an incredible asset. I want to commend the Westario Power team on their exceptional efforts.”

Westario Power’s survey score shows the company continues to be a source of sustainability and reliability in an ever-changing world. People are struggling during these difficult times and Westario Power is focused on ensuring every contact is positive and responsive. “Customers are looking for first contact resolution and an experience that leaves them feeling recognized and satisfied. Our commitment and stewardship are steadfast,” said Alfandary.

George Bridge, chair of the Westario board of directors stated, “The team at Westario Power should be very proud of this outstanding achievement.” The board of directors of Westario Power supports this culture of performance and operational excellence.

Westario Power is an industry leader and while the electrical industry pivots on change, Westario Power is a model of success that can only be described as remarkable.