The Rotary Club of Walkerton held the 11th drawing of its Walkerton Lottery on May 27. Perry Davies (centre) made the draw under the watchful eyes of Rotarians Flo Gutscher (left) and Tim Mancell (right). Winners in this round include Ron and Pam Schumacher ($1,000), Mike Weber ($500), Albert and Sh
New Millennium Quilters Guild hosts ‘Making Memories’ 2022 quilt show
The New Millennium Quilters Guild holds a quilt show every four years. The show at the Mildmay-Carrick Community Centre on Friday, May 28 and Saturday, May 29 was well worth waiting for.
Bruce County Memories: My father was the milkman
Long before Olive and Gordon Hepburn ran the Hope Bay Post Office, Olive helped her father at the family dairy in Wiarton. Olive also wrote a lot for the Yearbook of the Bruce County Historical Society. In this story, from 1978, she tells how milk got delivered to the doorstep 100 years ago.
Bits and pieces
As I write this on Monday evening (actually, it’s closer to Tuesday morning, but who’s keeping track?), writer’s block has gotten the best of this writer’s brain.
Affordable housing a basic human right
Affordable housing has grown beyond being an election campaign issue.
Walkerton Clean Water Legacy Award winner announced
This year’s winner of the Walkerton Clean Water Legacy Award is Viviane Weiland, a graduate of Walkerton District Community School studying environmental biology at McGill University in Montreal.
‘Welcome Back’ – Little Royal Fair a go for 2022
“It’s a go,” said Morgan Inglis, president of the Walkerton Agricultural Society.
Community flag pole relocated to municipal office
The community flag pole has been relocated to the Brockton municipal office.
Brockton mayor calls passing of Bill 109 prior to comment period ‘absurd’
At the suggestion of Deputy Mayor Dan Gieruszak, Brockton will be bringing forward a motion regarding Bill 109 and circulating it to other municipalities in the province.
Brockton council gives the go-ahead for occupancy of four homes in Walker West Estates
Council has agreed to allow four homes in Walker West Estates to hook up to town water prior to the commissioning of the new pumping station.
Walkerton Rotary helps put the ‘active’ into reading activities
The Rotary Club has contributed three new “Story Journeys” to the Bruce County Library system.
Peabody: Brockton has important issues to resolve with next provincial government
Brockton will hit the ground running when it comes to dealing with the next provincial government, no matter who gets elected.
Brockton to celebrate Canada Day with real fireworks
There will be fireworks in Brockton on Canada Day.
Walkerton Kinsmen ‘step’ up to help Victoria Jubilee Hall
Connecting a solution to a need is what the Walkerton Kinsmen do best.