When a child is struggling to understand the difficult emotional situation surrounding the death or illness of a loved one, sometimes all it takes for some clarity is a book to provide perspective.
Huron Perth Public Health announces bivalent COVID-19 vaccine booster available
Following the authorization by Health Canada of the new bivalent COVID-19 vaccine booster on Sept. 1, the Ontario government announced the booster will be available to adults 18 and over, beginning with the most vulnerable population on Sept. 12.
Walkerton Legion hosts Doug Hewitson Memorial Golf Tournament
The weather was perfect for the Doug Hewitson Memorial Golf Tournament, held Aug. 14. The winning team will have their names engraved on the trophy presented at the Walkerton Legion. Pictured, from left: Andy Critchfield, Murray Cassidy, Branch 102 Sports Officer Ron Lamont, Perry Davies and Brian F
Bruce County launches fourth round of ‘Spark’ funding
A fourth round of the “Spark” Mentorship and Grants Program has been launched to encourage Bruce County entrepreneurs, small businesses, and non-profit organizations to create new sustainable tourism ideas for the region.
Community Clothes Closet expands hours beginning Oct. 6
The basement at St. Paul’s United Church in Walkerton looks more like a clothing store the first Thursday of every month.
Human trafficking awareness table set up in Walkerton
The South Bruce OPP and the Municipality of Kincardine were successful in a grant application to increase human trafficking awareness in rural Ontario. A Human Trafficking Awareness committee was formed, and have been active for the past two years throughout local communities with presentations, eve
Auditor gives Brockton clean bill of financial health
According to the year-end draft financial statement presented by John Bujold of Baker Tilly, Brockton is in relatively good financial shape, with “reasonable reserves, a growing tax base and long-term debt used to purchase tangible assets.”
Momma B’s Consignment Store now open in Walkerton
Momma B’s Consignment Store in Walkerton offers gently used ladies wear, with proceeds benefitting local residents in need. Brockton Mayor Chris Peabody (far right), Coun. Kym Hutcheon (second from left) and Carl Kuhnke (far left) of the municipality’s economic development committee recently congrat
Elora Road Meat Shop donates to Saugeen Hospice
Keagan Engel is the new owner of Elora Road Meat Shop. On Aug. 20, he hosted a charity barbecue. Here, he presents Rita Grubb with a cheque for $3,120 for Saugeen Hospice. The Saugeen Hospice board of directors appreciates this very much and wishes him good luck in his new endeavour.
New grant programs available for Brockton businesses
The Municipality of Brockton is offering local businesses a series of grant programs under its new Community Improvement Plan, which now extends beyond downtown Walkerton to historic hamlets and villages such as Cargill, Chepstow, Elmwood and Pinkerton, and to rural areas with farm-gates or agricult
Brockton council to hear from Bruce County on homeless situation
During the “new business” portion of the Sept. 6 council meeting, Coun. Kym Hutcheon raised the ongoing homeless situation.
Peabody: What happened to the community safety plan?
Mayor Chris Peabody wants to know what happened to the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan.
Veterans remembrance ceremony to be held at Walkerton Cemetery
Thomas Alton was born in Lucknow, had just three siblings and his father died before he was born. In 1925 in Toronto, he qualified as Lieutenant, Cadet Instructor.
Numbers can be misleading
Polls are a funny thing.
Tools with only one use can become a hindrance
The silo is a simple invention used to store feed for winter. According to the folks at Ontario Barn Preservation, the first vertical silo in North America was built in Illinois in 1873, with the first Ontario silos built not long after.