Atwood Lions donate $20K to MAP59 project

The Memorial Arena Park (MAP59) committee received another recent $20,000 boost to its fundraising campaign thanks to the Atwood Lions Club, with members pictured presenting the cheque to MAP59 committee members Bruce Fitzgerald and Chris Moon on June 7. The campaign to construct a new memorial and

Remembrance Day needs to be more

Before this year, I knew Remembrance Day was important, but I never thought about how much.  In October, our class created a performance to share at our school’s Remembrance Day ceremony as well as at the local Legion luncheon. It included the song “One Tin Soldier” and ended with us holding up lett

Seeing Listowel wherever I go

Last week, two travelling farmers found themselves in a bustling downtown complete with an inordinate number of shoe stores and two lovely ladies enjoying an afternoon tea. On the hunt for ice cream, Dad and I had pulled into Washington, Iowa and discovered what seemed to be the Iowan version of Lis

Firefighters in training

The North Perth Fire Department’s Monkton station held its firefighters’ breakfast on June 11 at the Elma-Logan Recreation Complex. The event had a lengthy lineup but was well worth the wait, as firefighters served the hungry crowd a delicious breakfast. Pictured: Jack, 1, and Cohen McEwen, 3, smile