WALKERTON - The Walkerton Capitals hosted the Wingham Ironmen on Friday, Nov. 29, and lost 8-3.
Ignace and Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation officially selected by NWMO as hosts for Deep Geological Repository
On Nov. 28, the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) officially announced it has selected Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation (WLON) and the Township of Ignace as the host communities for the future site for Canada’s Deep Geological Repository (DGR) for used nuclear fuel, a press release states.
Dog incident cases the ‘worst’ in 2024
One topic overshadowed the rest during the bylaw report to Morris-Turnberry council on the night of Nov. 19. This year has seen a marked escalation in dog-related bylaw incidents in the municipality.
Landfill, curbside user fees for 2025 discussed at Morris-Turnberry council meeting
Council here heard options for updated fees and charges for 2025 during their Nov. 19 meeting, specifically landfill and waste disposal fees and curbside user fees.
County of Huron recommends Planning Fee increase for second time this year
A fees and charges report to council here Nov. 19, resulted in general shaking of heads occurring, so to speak, when the news of planning fees increases came up on the agenda – something that may read familiar.
Local man charged after incident at town hall
WINGHAM - Huron County OPP arrest a North Huron man after what they describe as “an incident at the Town Hall in Wingham.”
Perth County mourns the death of County Councillor, Past Warden Jim Aitcheson
PERTH COUNTY - In a Nov. 22 statement, Perth County shared its profound sadness for the sudden passing of County Councillor and Past Warden James (Jim) Aitcheson.
Browns pledge $500,000 to Saugeen Hospice
BROCKTON - It’s no secret that Ken and Lynne Brown have dedicated themselves to the new hospice initiative – Saugeen Hospice Inc. – for the past decade.
Driver charged in chicken truck collision
NORTH PERTH - An accident involving one transport truck carrying chickens occurred on Line 87 at Road 171 in North Perth on Nov. 26.
Bluewater board chair, vice chair return to roles
CHESLEY - There are no changes in leadership for Bluewater District School Board following annual elections at the Nov. 19, 2024 initial meeting of the board.
Brockton Mayor Chris Peabody completes term as Bruce County warden
BRUCE COUNTY - Chris Peabody, mayor of Brockton, presided over his final meeting as warden of Bruce County council on Nov. 21.
Wingham Ironmen split weekend home games
WINGHAM - The Wingham Ironmen hosted the Kincardine Bulldogs and Hanover Barons at home last weekend.
Cubs decorate Smile Cookies for United Way
MILVERTON - On Nov. 23, The Atwood Lions Cubs decorated 480 Smile Cookies for the United Way Perth Huron at the Milverton Tim Hortons.
Cure-alls in the 1800s did more harm than good
We’re now entering cold and flu season in Canada; the time of year when people begin taking supplements like echinacea to try to avoid getting sick.
New grant program tailored to arts and culture sector
LISTOWEL - Crabby Joe’s was the setting for a Starter Company mix and mingle on behalf of Stratford Perth for Business on Nov. 18. A group of interested and eager local entrepreneurs from creative backgrounds gathered for information and networking all set in the restaurant atmosphere.