Love thy neighbour

Those of us who are followers of Jesus are to love our neighbour as ourselves. So, why would Jesus affirm the Old Testament teaching to love one’s neighbour as the second most important command after loving God with all your heart, soul mind and strength (Mark 12:28-34)? What is the reason that Jesus wanted us to love our neighbour?

For that answer we need to back up and look at the message Jesus started His preaching ministry with, “repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.” By repent, He meant that they were to change the way they thought and conducted themselves, leaving behind the self-centred idea that they could look after their own lives. Receiving the kingdom that Jesus announced was receiving the rule of God into their hearts and letting God have His way while they submitted to Him.

So, the message of Jesus was a message to change the way you think and now submit to the rule of God in your life. Jesus went on further to teach them to pray “Your kingdom come.” In so doing He was directing them to ask Father God for Father’s rule over all and that this kingdom rule would become a reality in people everywhere.

Jesus not only preached about this kingdom, He demonstrated it by setting the captives free. He went about healing or restoring humanity to what God intended. The results of this part of Jesus’ ministry was that people were experiencing righteousness, peace and joy. We anticipate and long for a future day when the total effects of sin have been removed, this kingdom Jesus demonstrated was bringing certain aspects of this future into their present reality. For those who submit to God’s rule in this life, will one day experience the total removal of the effects of sin. While we wait for that day, no matter the circumstances, we can live in righteousness, peace and joy.

That brings us back to my question, why love your neighbour? We love our neighbour so we can join Jesus in His kingdom work, planting seeds of the kingdom, so more of humanity can enter this kingdom and experience the joys of kingdom living.


Fred Erb serves as pastor at Listowel Community Church.

Fred Erb