Youth feel ‘targeted’

Dear Editor:

RE: Be responsible, Oct. 1.

I think that targeting the youth is unfair. “Why won’t young people wear a mask?” is the first question in the letter and I strongly disagree with it. It definitely feels like the younger generations are being targeted. It’s a very biased question because most youth wear a mask, besides the few who oppose the rules.

But categorizing all youth into one group is ridiculous.

I have met many adults who considered the mask wearing rules to be stupid and refused to wear a mask. Are we supposed to tell them to grow up as well? I don’t think so. People go and tell the younger generations what to do, just because they are younger, even though every age group does the same thing.

So how is it fair to target just one age category when the blame falls on everyone as a whole?

The point about obeying the rules of the road is a fair point. Obeying the rules put forth by the government in context with health regulation is also a fair point.

Teens cause the most accidents statistically, they do the most things recklessly, but this isn’t always the case.

So please stop putting the blame on those who aren’t responsible, and for putting us all into a category that makes us feel targeted.

Nadine Feenstra,
Wellington North