Three strikes and you’re out

To the editor,

Strike one: Gree(d) belt and land swa(m)p. Enough said.

Strike two: Hundreds die in long-term care homes during the pandemic. Not only did Premier Doug Ford pass legislation that the operators cannot be sued for negligence, his former Minister of Long-Term Care, Merilee Fullerton, erroneously claimed air conditioning existed in all homes when it really meant that “cooling rooms” were available. One cooling room per home. How inhumane.

Strike three. Premier Ford loudly proclaimed recently his favouring the construction of another nuclear plant in Bruce County. This expense of billions of taxpayer dollars would create several hundred new jobs, he said. This decision essentially shut out the farming families in the Quad Counties from contributing to the creation of green energy. A check with the OFA shows upwards of 8,000 farming families in the four counties (Bruce, Grey, Huron and Perth) could be invited to exercise their entrepreneurial talents by investing in solar, wind turbine and other green energy forms. To many, this seems to make more sense.

Three strikes so far.

C. Brodie Hart
