Looking forward to Mildmay Homecoming

To the editor,

The upcoming Homecoming in Mildmay, in a way, will be a celebration of our unique rural quality of life – a life many will remember from the past, to be cherished as “the good old days.” And, hopefully to be found again… after many years away, now in 2023. At least in the welcoming voices of family and friends.

It is a unique quality of life I have come to know in my 30-plus years as a resident. It is one where people know their neighbours (or, if strangers, soon find out). And where such a slow pace of life is seen to be of much more value than the so-called inevitable pace of economic growth that some promise will soon come our way. Ours to choose, and possibly ours to lose.

In any case, let us all celebrate in good spirit now, and try not to burn too many couches!

David Wood
