Get to know the candidates

To the editor,

What is going on in the Municipality of South Bruce?

First, a candidate running for council, having the required papers in for four months, is denied at the last minute by the CAO. Then another candidate running for council sends out a pamphlet, endorsed by a current sitting councillor. Are sitting municipal councillors allowed to endorse a candidate? Is this showing favouritism?

A flyer arrives in the mail from the “Willing To Listen” group. If one is a current South Bruce councillor, are you not upset by what this flyer is insinuating and rather insulted? The flyer indicates that councillors are not demonstrating respect and integrity to others. They are not positive, stating it is easy to be against everything rather than work together to make things happen. Are the councillors not basing their decisions on facts rather than ideological opinions and personal impressions? Are they not prepared to change their minds? Have they not been a good colleague, respecting those in the office they disagree with? This seems to indicate that Willing To Listen is telling councillors, be they current or contending to be one, smarten up and behave.

Then there are those Tony Zettel letters, even in the Willing To Listen flyer! This Bruce Power employee who constantly promotes nuclear, accuses a “yellow sign crowd” of wanting to euthanize the municipal council. Does being a nuclear promoter mean respect and integrity do not have to be demonstrated?

Municipal councils have a lot of responsibility, and those running as a candidate should be given a lot of credit.

But do you know the candidates? Candidate signs have gone up and some have been stolen, which is a criminal offence. You may know of a candidate, heard their name, but do you really know them? Take an interest in this election – don’t go by what others tell you, find out for yourself. Don’t believe in the saying “councillors are going to do what they want anyway, so why bother to vote?” Councillors are supposed to listen to you.

Just what is happening in South Bruce? A big decision ahead, all caused by a previous council that did not go to the people and brought in the NWMO (Nuclear Waste Management Organization) causing a big controversy. How many have read the complete study reports to know what is happening? Talk to the candidates personally, then vote.

S.A. McDonald
