Community invited to Truth and Reconciliation event in Walkerton

To the editor,

We wanted to write to welcome everyone to join us for this year’s National Day for Truth and Reconciliation event hosted by Truth and Reconciliation Brockton. On Saturday, Sept. 30 from 2-4 p.m. we are hosting an afternoon of family-friendly activities for all ages to mark this year’s Orange Shirt Day at Market Garden Park (312 Durham St. E., Walkerton).

We will begin with a welcome and land acknowledgement at 2 p.m., then members of Neyaashiinigmiing Council will be invited to speak and share with us to open our event. Activities for all ages will be set up throughout the park for everyone to explore and learn. At 2:30 p.m., local author Dorothy Ladd will read from her children’s book about monarch butterflies, Memengwaa, the Monarch Butterfly, illustrated by local Anishinaabe artist Jeanette Ladd and translated from Ojibwe by Marilyn Roote. Books will be available for sale and signing. At 3:30 p.m. we will gather to walk to the Walkerton Library steps to honour, remember, and pay our respects to the survivors of residential schools, and those who never made it home. If you wish to leave something behind as a memorial, we ask that items be natural materials such as paper, rocks, flowers, etc.

All are welcome at this community event, there is no cost to participate, and some light refreshments will be provided. Follow us on social media and search ‘Truth and Reconciliation Brockton.’

We hope to see you there.

Truth and Reconciliation Brockton Volunteers