Comfort with Christ in the boat

As those who live near the Great Lakes, we know how quickly storms can arise, turning the once brilliant sky into a dark, stormy horizon. The Sea of Galilee is the same way, and it made even the most experienced of fisherman fearful for their lives.

One of my favorite Scriptures is Mark 4:35-41, which takes place on the Sea of Galilee. Here we see that Jesus and His disciples set out at evening to cross to the other side, not taking much with them all, for it was just a simple trip. But then out of nowhere comes a powerful storm; the winds blow, the waves crash, and the boats begin to take on water. But to the surprise of the disciples, Jesus is asleep in the stern, seemingly without a care in the world. Thus, in the heat of the moment, in an hour of desperation the disciples cry out, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” (v.38)

Isn’t it amazing how quickly we get into a panic when things go awry? Life goes along without a hitch; all seems to be good and then – chaos! And as a result, we seem to fall to pieces. But why? Well, for some people they don’t really have any hope. They put their trust in things that are good, but are not meant to last, nor provide real comfort in the storms of life. Your own wisdom can only go so far; the government can only provide so much, and even your best friend can only give so much advice or comfort. Things of this world can be lacking when it comes to meeting our deeper emotional and spiritual needs.

But for Christians, our anchor is not cast into the world of human wisdom or comfort, but upon an unshakable Rock, that is, the Lord Jesus Christ! For even when the storms come, even when the winds pick up and we feel overwhelmed, we know that Jesus is with us. And for the disciples, Jesus sleeping in the boat should have instilled confidence in them. For Jesus is the Son of God and with Him is all power and might. Can’t He help us in the time of trouble?

Indeed, He can! For when Jesus arose, He rebuked the storm, and all was good again. And Jesus’ response helped to put it all into perspective for His friends, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” (v.40)

Where do you look in the time of trouble? Where is your refuge in the storm? Do you look to your own wisdom, to mankind, or the government to bring you peace and assurance? Look to Jesus, the Saviour of sinners and the Comforter of those in distress. For even if the winds and the waves beat against you, with Jesus in the boat, you can smile at the storm!


Rev. Ancel Merwin serves at Immanuel United Reformed Church in Listowel.

Rev. Ancel Merwin