As the world gears up for the impending change of government in the United States, threats of punishing tariffs have Canada’s provincial and federal leaders spinning. Go, Team Canada, eh!
Wingham Advance Times
Blyth Festival announce 2025 season lineup
Among the 2025 Blyth Festival season presentations will be Anne Chislett’s Quiet in the Land, Drew Hayden Taylor’s take on Sir. John A., and a world premiere by celebrated Canadian author Emma Donoghue.
Wingham’s Santa Clause parade brought crowds (and snow) this past weekend
The snow helped to kick off the holiday season as the Wingham Lions Club held its annual Santa Claus Parade on November 30.
Unblocking the Maitland: Removing the Howson Dam will revive the river’s ecosystem
For more than 162 years, some form of the Howson Dam has stood as a barrier, disrupting the natural flow and ecology of the North Maitland River.
Howick amends zoning bylaw for creation of four residential lots on property in Gorrie
Back in early October, council here dealt with three consent applications affecting one subject property located on the corner of Gorrie Line and Harriston Road.
Howick adopts bylaw to provide paying remuneration, expenses for Huron OPP Detachment Board members
Council here was was presented with a report at its Nov. 26 meeting as an update on the Huron OPP Detachment Board Remuneration, the cost of which will be shared between the county’s nine lower-tier municipalities.
AMDSB welcomes new chair, vice
HURON-PERTH - At the Nov. 26 Avon Maitland District School Board (AMDSB) meeting, Michael Bannerman was elected a chair of the board of trustees, with Patricia Smith elected as vice chair.
Ignace and Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation officially selected by NWMO as hosts for Deep Geological Repository
On Nov. 28, the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) officially announced it has selected Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation (WLON) and the Township of Ignace as the host communities for the future site for Canada’s Deep Geological Repository (DGR) for used nuclear fuel, a press release states.
Dog incident cases the ‘worst’ in 2024
One topic overshadowed the rest during the bylaw report to Morris-Turnberry council on the night of Nov. 19. This year has seen a marked escalation in dog-related bylaw incidents in the municipality.
Landfill, curbside user fees for 2025 discussed at Morris-Turnberry council meeting
Council here heard options for updated fees and charges for 2025 during their Nov. 19 meeting, specifically landfill and waste disposal fees and curbside user fees.
County of Huron recommends Planning Fee increase for second time this year
A fees and charges report to council here Nov. 19, resulted in general shaking of heads occurring, so to speak, when the news of planning fees increases came up on the agenda – something that may read familiar.
Wingham Ironmen split weekend home games
WINGHAM - The Wingham Ironmen hosted the Kincardine Bulldogs and Hanover Barons at home last weekend.
Wingham Auxiliary donates bladder screener
WINGHAM - The Auxiliary to the Wingham and District Hospital recently purchased a much-needed bladder scanner for the hospital.
Head in the clouds? Don’t drive high
Driving under the influence of cannabis is a growing concern in Canada, especially following the legalization of its use for recreational purposes. The misconception that cannabis impairs driving less than alcohol can lead to dangerous and even fatal consequences on the road.
Bruce Power supplier partners donate $75,000 to Wounded Warriors Canada organization
BRUCE COUNTY - Bruce Power’s supplier partners donated $75,000 to Wounded Warriors Canada in support of ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members, first responders and their families.