A merger between two local farm cooperatives has been approved.
FCC boosts credit availability to help with higher input costs
Farm Credit Canada (FCC) is offering enhanced credit line options and increased crop input loan limits to address recent input cost increases in Canada’s agriculture and food industry.
Spring is in the air; open markets back in the region
As the world slowly peeks out from behind closed doors and restrictions ease, two local venues opened their doors for spring markets, bringing some sunshine to the region.
Belmore Maple Syrup Festival returns after two-year hiatus
The annual Maple Syrup Festival in Belmore was back on April 9, after a two-year hiatus, with a drive-thru style event, bringing people back to the tiny hamlet to enjoy the famous, home-made pancakes and sausages.
Over a century of farming for local Martin family
Marmeadow Farms Ltd. is a family-owned dairy operation in Britton, North Perth. The farm was previously owned by fourth-generation farmers Bob and Susan Martin, and currently owned and operated by fifth-generation farmers, Tim and Jenn Martin.
IN PHOTOS – Maple Weekend at Hoover’s Maple Syrup
It’s the busiest time of year for maple syrup producers, but Diane and Terry Hoover of Hoover’s Maple Syrup always still find the time to open the doors to the public to showcase their impressive certified organic operation just north of Atwood for Maple Weekend, held April 2-3 this year.
Crowds enjoy the sweet taste of spring at Meadow Ridge Maple
For some, it was their first real post-COVID outing. For others, it was a return to a loved tradition.
The swans have arrived
The weather may not show it, but the swans know spring is on the way. They’ve arrived in the Grey-Bruce area en route to their nesting grounds in the far north.
Country Life – Spring 2022
Inside the pages of Country Life:
From tree to table: Hoover’s Maple Syrup and the intricate science behind syrup production
Terry Hoover kills the engine of his Kubota utility vehicle and climbs out of the cab into the cool but comfortable early February air.
Housing, war in Ukraine are both agricultural issues
The definition of what’s an agricultural issue got a lot broader during the March 24 Politicians’ Meeting, organized and sponsored by the Bruce County and Grey County federations of agriculture.
Area farm cooperative members set to vote on amalgamation recommendation
A merger between two local farm co-operatives is being recommended to members by the board of directors of both companies.
South Bruce youth visit Borehole Drilling sites, learn about work underway
Nearly 20 young people from South Bruce had the opportunity to visit the Nuclear Waste Management Organization’s (NWMO) borehole sites to see the work being done and ask questions of the geoscience team that are leading the drilling and analysis of the borehole core rock samples.
Forest conservation celebrates 75 years in Huron County
The first tree bylaw was passed in 1947 in Huron County. At a time when there was a general concern about soil erosion and water issues that resulted from previous clear-cutting. Now, 75 years later, Huron County owns and maintains 14 forest tracts consisting of more than 1600 acres.
Winner of Agricultural Society’s quilt raffle announced
Congratulations to Pauline Siegfried, who is the winner of the Walkerton Agricultural Society quilt raffle. The Agricultural Society would like to thank everyone who supported this project by making blocks or purchasing tickets. There are a bunch of talented quilters in our community! Pictured: Gail