Two residents who own property serviced by the Filsinger Drain have asked council to reconsider moving forward with the project.
SVCA board approves draft 2024 budget in principle
After another round of discussion, Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority’s (SVCA) board of directors have endorsed a somewhat streamlined version of the 2024 draft budget and will be circulating it to member municipalities for review.
Maitland Conservation board members review three-year work plan, watershed strategy
Maitland Conservation (MC) members reviewed the draft three-year work plan and watershed strategy at their regular board meeting held on Oct. 11 in Wroxeter.
Drain crossing project involves over 1,000 landowners connected to South Maitland Drain
The engineer involved in this drainage project said it was unique for several reasons.
TD Tree Days in Listowel, Oct. 21
The TD Tree Days program was conducted in Listowel for the third time on Saturday, Oct. 21, with 45 individual, family and organizational volunteers helping to plant 340 trees and shrubs in the vicinity of the Steve Kerr Memorial Complex. The event was held in conjunction with Maitland Conservation,
Listowel Ag. Society donates $10K to Memorial Hospital Foundation
The Listowel Memorial Hospital Foundation (LMHF) received another boost to its ongoing commitment to purchasing a new ‘operating room bundle’ on Oct. 12, when the Listowel Agricultural Society (LAS) once again stepped up with a significant donation.
‘Jubilee Acres’ celebrates 25th and final year of helping to end world hunger
The Canadian Foodgrains Bank “Jubilee Acres” growing project is celebrating its 25th and final year of helping to end hunger around the world.
IN PHOTOS: Walkerton’s Little Royal Fair 2023
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Fall harvest underway
Area farmers are busy contending with the fall harvest, including crews at Marmeadow Farms east of Britton, pictured recently taking off a corn sileage crop. Farmers ask motorists to be patient during the coming weeks, as slow-moving agricultural vehicles will be prevalent on roadways.
Farm Credit Canada makes donation to LDSS
The Agriculture Specialist High Skills Major program at Listowel District Secondary School received a $1,000 donation from Farm Credit Canada during Ontario Agriculture Week on Oct. 5. The growing program has over 40 grade 11 and 12 students, and emphasizes getting students out into the community to
WRCF reps tour Wingham Community Garden
On Monday, Oct. 2, representatives from the Waterloo Region Community Foundation (WRCF) toured the Wingham Community Garden and Orchard. WRCF Vice-President Lynne Short and Director of Community Impact Blessing Akpan met with Al Skelton, board member with the North Huron Community Food Share and thr
Maitland Conservation Board hears 2023 summer work plan highlights
Jayne Thompson, communications and GIS-IT coordinator at Maitland Conservation (MC), updated board members on member and staff activities that have taken place since June at the Sept. 20 board of directors meeting.
Healthy watersheds, people and wildlife part of One Health Approach initiative
A One Health Approach initiative is bringing representatives from several organizations into a broad conversation about developing an integrated approach to health to reduce the risk of future infectious disease outbreaks.
FCC: Limited availability pushing farmland prices higher across Canada
Limited availability of farmland for sale is continuing to push land values higher, according to the mid-year farmland values review by Farm Credit Canada (FCC).
New service launching for well water testing program
Grey Bruce Public Health (GBPH) has announced the launch of a locally developed service that will ensure all Grey-Bruce residents have equitable, timely access to Public Health Ontario’s free well water testing program. The new service will allow residents on private drinking water systems to pick u