Midwestern Ontario “got discovered” during COVID-19. City residents saw the silver lining as…
Decision time is here
The time for campaigning is over and it’s up to Ontarians to decide.
Election Day Wish List
The first political party I ever joined was the federal Progressive Conservative party. I was 19…
Smoke and mirrors
Don’t be fooled by what you are being shown on mainstream media right now. Along with the smoke,…
No more affectionate ‘Irish Eyes’ duets
Despite the talk about the wonderful history of friendship between Canada and the United States,…
Time to compartmentalize
Normally I am among those who are least likely to be sympathetic to folks who don’t engage during…
Pastor encourages drawing close to God during winter season
Winter’s beauty often leaves me in awe. God blankets the world in white and brings a stillness…
Let’s celebrate!
Welcome to 2025! For many a new year means a time to start something new, make changes, make…
Chretien offers template for response to Trump
It seems silly to be writing a column on national affairs a week after all of Canada’s problems…
Blame it on Trudeau …
For at least the past couple of years, a space alien listening to all the talk about Justin Trudeau…
God can work with the broken bits
Paul writes in his letter to the churches in Rome: We are confident that God is able to orchestrate…
Let us look at 2025 with optimism
The dawn of a new year always brings a mix of dread and optimism.
Olivia trivia
Through various forms of networking, my email address has gotten out there, and somehow I have ended up on more mailing lists than I can count. It’s not always a bad thing, especially when an email can inspire a column.
History on tape: A turnip for Christmas
You know the line in “’Twas the Night Before Christmas” by Clement Moore … “The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.”
Naughty, nice or inexplicable
Santa Claus has had a pretty busy season so far.