Merry Christmas from times gone by

The first Santa Claus Parade in Canada was held on Dec. 2, 1905 in Toronto and sponsored by Eaton’s Department Store. Since that first one, many communities across Canada and Perth County have been holding parades, with Listowel being no exception. Excitement is always in the air when waiting to see

Guiding movement in Canada, Perth County

The Girl Guide movement began in 1909 when girls demanded to take part in a Boy Scout rally at the Crystal Palace in London, England. Lord Robert Baden-Powell was a British Army General who had written a series of articles on scouting based on his experiences and they were published in an English bo

History of the Blanshard war memorial

The book, History of Blanshard Township in Review, records that “In the tragic days of 1914 when war was declared by Germany, the young men of Blanshard responded to the call, true to the traditions of loyalty and devotion shown by their forefathers, enlisted to the number of 138.