As we scramble out of the pandemic, the true extent of the damage is emerging. Take, for example,…
The dragon needs some teeth
To read some of recent reports from integrity commissioners in this province, one gets an impression of a fire-spewing dragon who can produce horrifying roars and blasts of sulphurous breath. Unfortunately, it seems the dragon has no teeth.
Common sense overrules mixed messages
We have been getting a lot of mixed messages about COVID lately.
Celebrate our volunteers
It is difficult to imagine what this community would be like without volunteers.
Provincial housing plan misses the mark
The province has come out with some welcome news for prospective home buyers. The plan will see more houses built, with less red tape.
Words must be followed by actions
Pope Francis apologized. On the final day of a week of talks with First Nations, Inuit and Métis delegations, Pope Francis expressed “shame and sorrow for the role that a number of Catholics, particularly those with educational responsibilities, have had in all those things that wounded you, and th
Aiding the war against misinformation
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
To mask or not to mask – that is the question
As masking requirements are lifted across the country, a lot of people are feeling… well, nervous.
Canada is involved in war in Ukraine
War is hell.
Shake hands and order pizza
There are people in this community who have seen lifelong friendships destroyed and families torn apart in the past year.
Still a chance for the great Canadian dream
Not so very long ago, home ownership was an achievable dream for the average Canadian.
Clearing the protest a matter of rights
It truly was a demonstration of freedom and rights, although probably not in the way the protesters intended.
Sorting through internet iron pyrite for nuggets of gold
Although there is a strong move afoot to put the world back the way it was before COVID, most of us realize that particular genie is out of the bottle, permanently. The world has changed, and so have we.
Beware of ‘heart attack snow’ – a real killer
Snow, glorious snow! It looks pretty when tree branches are covered with it and fields are pristine white, with perhaps a trail of delicate deer footprints along a fence.
The solution to homelessness is roofs and walls
The bitter cold in recent weeks has raised questions about the adequacy of the way this country handles homelessness.