But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect… – 1 Peter 3:15
Treaty to stabilize peace instead helped provoke a second global war
It’s common knowledge that the armistice of Nov. 11, 1918 – enacted 103 years ago today – ceased First World War hostilities. A global conflict that in part stemmed from the pistol shots of a Serbian nationalist four years before resulted in a staggering 68 million military and civilian casualties b
Jesus confronts ‘cancel culture’
There is an odd incident in the ninth chapter of Gospel of Luke. Jesus was travelling and sent messengers ahead to arrange accommodation in a Samaritan village. Jews and Samaritans did not get along and in this instance, they refused him hospitality.
Offering some tips on visiting the pharmacy for someone else
Last month we observed International Day of Older Persons, which is meant to raise awareness of the issues and challenges of aging in today’s world. COVID-19 has changed us in many ways.
Lose weight by losing this
What if you spent the next 12 weeks really committed to your health? All-in, no excuses, no skipped workouts, no unhealthy meals, no ‘I’ll try again tomorrows.’ Instead, a wholehearted, hold nothing back, get it done today no matter what, approach.
Poppy flag now flying at Victoria Jubilee Hall
The poppy flag is now flying at the Legion, and Poppy banners will be displayed on Clock tower at Victoria Jubilee Hall. Please be generous when you see the poppy canvass volunteers throughout the community. Our thanks to the 812 Bucks’ Crossing Squadron of Royal Canadian Air Cadets for their assi
One hell of a year for local journalism
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been spending time scouring back issues of the Listowel Banner, Walkerton Herald-Times and Wingham Advance Times in preparation for the Ontario Community Newspapers Association’s (OCNA) Better Newspaper Competition.
New Millennium Quilters Guild meeting features guest speaker from Calgary
New Millennium Quilters Guild members no longer have an excuse for a disorganized sewing room, since Calgary guest speaker Kim Jamieson-Hurst (Chatterbox Quilts), gave her virtual presentation entitled How to Wrangle your Scraps.
Poppy campaign starts Friday
The sign-up sheet is posted in the entrance for the poppy campaign, which starts the most important time of the Legion year – the Remembrance period.
An update on ‘incidents from the past’
I still feel that the past has come back to haunt me (see my previous column of Oct. 14 for more information).
Staying steadfast
It’s amazing how Bible stories that I never really thought about before have become vivid for me during this pandemic. Today, I find myself thinking a lot about Moses – not in the bulrushes or beside the burning bush or telling Pharoah to let the people go – but towards the end of his life, standing
Timing certainly is everything
Our provincial government sure likes to end the week with a “bang,” don’t they?
‘El Padrino’ took drug trafficking to unparalled heights
I’ve now been through the Netflix series Narcos three times to date. I expect if I make a fourth run through in the future – which I no doubt will – I’ll be near fluent in Spanish. I’d say the production is 90 per cent subtitles, and it just adds more authenticity for me.
Catch the Ace is still going at the Walkerton Legion
At Saturday’s meat draw, the Fleet family had been pretty lucky, with six of the winners being named Fleet. But Ron Fleet hadn’t managed to buy a Catch the Ace ticket before all 1,200 tickets were gone, so he was called upon to draw the winning ticket on Sunday.
Lessons from a children’s game
A recent Saturday in which there were no barn chores or children around allowed for something that is not often done in our house, an official binge on a Netflix series.