June is Bike Month, a celebration of cycling. It is an opportunity to try riding a bike for the first time, or to build cycling into your routine.
Listowel Memorial Hospital Auxiliary hosts annual Listowel Greenhouses fundraiser
With the support of Jelleke and Frank Sluys, the Listowel Memorial Hospital Auxiliary recently held its annual Listowel Greenhouses fundraiser. This event has been happening for over 25 years. With the Sluys’ donation and the bake and hot dog sales, more than $5,300 was raised. The Auxiliary’s 2023
1950 wild fires: ‘A weird, eerie sky of many colours at noon…’
To date, there have been well over 500 wildfires in Alberta in 2023. According to news reports, we currently have a haze from these devastating fires.
Listowel student recent grad of RMC
Second Lieut. Ruby Ernest successfully graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) on May 16, with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and received a Commission Script in the name of His Majesty to pursue a career as a logistics officer in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).
Communities collaborate to promote cycle tourism
Perth County Tourism, Destination Stratford, and the Town of St. Marys have joined forces to grow and promote cycle tourism across the region. These tourism entities recognized that cycle tourism is growing rapidly across the province and are actively collaborating to ensure their destinations can e
Take a nap
I have a copy of an article titled “Take A Nap” written by Donald Whitney. I found the article fascinating, as it points out that God created a need for sleep in humans. Whitney says, “God made us to need sleep. Pastor and author John Piper once sat wearily on the side of his bed trying to develop a
‘Ploughing bee’ displayed farm community spirit in 1870
Plog, pflug, ploh, plogr, or ploeg – these are old spellings for the word ‘plough.’ It is difficult to establish the origin of the word as it has been spelled differently throughout the world, but in Canada, we tend to spell it as ‘plow’ or ‘plough.’
Saugeen Municipal Airport hosts local council members
Pictured here are local council members who participated in the Saugeen Municipal Airport Fly for Council Day. It was an informative day for council members to learn about their airport assets. Council members took to the sky for an overview of the airport. Tours of the grounds were provided along w
U.S. DOE, NWMO sign joint statement of intent to co-operate on used nuclear fuel management
The Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO), a Canadian not-for-profit organization tasked with the safe, long-term management of Canada’s used nuclear fuel, signed a Statement of Intent (SOI) to Co-operate on Used Nuclear Fuel Management with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on May 17.
Bruce County celebrates Paramedic Services Week
In Bruce County, and across the nation, Paramedic Services Week is May 21 to May 27.
SBGHC welcomes medical students for Discovery Week
South Bruce Grey Health Centre (SBGHC) is thrilled to welcome six Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry students to begin their learning and training during Discovery Week 2023, marking the 25th anniversary of this outstanding partnership.
A history of the Formosa recreation area
The Formosa and Culross Memorial Hall, built by local tradesmen and aided by volunteer help, was officially opened on May 3, 1949. As there were not as many halls then as there are now, it was most popular.
It’s a hermit’s life in Bruce County
Speaking of hermits, we’ve met Cummings, the Wild Man of Oliphant, who had a shanty of logs and driftwood out in the Fishing Islands at the end of the 19th century. He survived on his island in Lake Huron by fishing and by forays ashore to help himself to farmers’ chickens and seed potatoes. The Wil