At its March 18 meeting, council here heard a report summing up the 2024 year in financial terms, with Treasurer Sean Brophy recommending what council should do with its surplus funds.
Steven Lee Olsen and Jojo Mason take the stage for Paddyfest 2025
It was a party for Paddyfest's famous Friday night concert at the Steve Kerr Memorial Complex.
The Alice Munro Festival of the Short Story shuts its doors, does not cite reason
On Feb. 27, the committee for the Alice Munro Festival Of the Short Story announced they had “unanimously decided to bring the festival to a close in 2025,” but remains quiet as to why.
Morris-Turnberry council upholds vicious dog title in Belgrave case
Council here went by the book, so to speak, in the case of a ‘vicious dog,’ continuing the saga of related bylaw cases, primarily occurring in Belgrave.
Ironmen secure win on Valentine’s Day against Goderich Flyers
The Wingham Ironmen grabbed the win over Goderich Flyers on Valentine’s Day, with a final score of 5 - 3.
South Bruce plots truck replacement plan for 2025
Council here passed their capital and operating budgets in principle Feb. 4 and 6, an action which was underscored by significant deliberation on where taxpayer money will land in municipal projects and assets during 2025.
South Bruce delays pool openings, cancels public swim on Sundays
Council here approved delaying the opening of both Mildmay Carrick Swim Pool (MCSP) and Teeswater Culross Swim Pool (TCSP) by two weeks until June 16, 2025, as well as the closure of the pools on Sundays for public swims moving forward.
South Bruce approves 2025 budget in principle
Over the course of two meetings on Feb. 4 and 6, council here approved draft 2025 capital and operating budgets in principle, after lengthy discussion and resulting caveats.
South Bruce’s environmental department focuses on water and sewage improvements
The municipality’s environmental department presented their first draft 2025 Capital Projects to council here on Jan. 21.
Morris-Turnberry draft budget proposes 9% tax rate increase
Council here had their first draft budget discussion for 2025, hearing from Treasurer Sean Brophy as well as department heads on the year’s outlook in budgeting everything from road repair to landfill maintenance to animal control.
Ontario’s new building code takes effect with over 2,000 changes
Ontario’s new 2024 Building Code took effect Jan. 1, 2025, which includes over 2,000 changes aimed at “easing regulations for the construction sector, enhancing building safety and quality, and simplifying housing development,” states a report to South Bruce Council by the building department.
South Bruce supports resolution objecting to burden of subsidizing aggregate industry
Council here supported a resolution from the Township of Puslinch, located south of Guelph, which expressed a “strong objection” to a new burden placed on municipal taxpayers to subsidize the aggregate industry, the letter states.
Municipality of Morris-Turnberry adopts multi-year accessibility plan
Council here adopted the Annual and Multi-Year Accessibility Plans from the County of Huron – a commitment to further the inclusivity of Morris-Turnberry’s community members.
BMO branches in Teeswater, Wingham to amalgamate
Bank of Montreal’s (BMO) Teeswater location on Clinton St. will close, amalgamating with the banks’ Wingham branch at 55 Josephine St. as of July 25, 2025.
Huron OPP Detachment Commander steps down
Inspector Jason Younan, Huron OPP Detachment Commander, has resigned, accepting another position within the OPP, Constable Craig Soldan with OPP West Region confirmed.