R. Patrick “Pat” Onions, L/S CNVR, is a Second World War naval veteran who has a perspective on the Russian invasion of Ukraine that’s based on having seen action in time of war.
Still no timeline for restoring full service to hospital ERs in Walkerton, Chesley
Brockton council members were looking for answers from South Bruce Grey Health Centre (SBGHC) board chair Bill Heikkila and CEO Michael Barrett, when the two attended council’s March 22 meeting.
Huron-Kinloss council passes 2022 municipal budget
Huron-Kinloss gave third and final reading to this year’s budget at the March 21 meeting of council. The grand total to be raised from taxation is $9,394,963.
Hawks eliminated from Pollock Division playoffs by Patriots
This wasn’t the season the Walkerton Hawks had hoped for. The team was still in building mode when COVID-19 hit, and couldn’t manage to compete with the stronger teams in the division.
Explore the mysteries of the Greenock Swamp
It’s a different world, where the wind rustling through ancient, weathered cedars carries hints of loggers’ calls, spiced with a bit of moonshine.
Saugeen Conservation to renew contract with NWMO
Saugeen Conservation voted to continue with year two of an agreement with Nuclear Waste Management Organization’s environmental baseline monitoring program, June 2022 to June 2023.
SVCA advises property owners to go to municipality first when they need an approval
When you want to build on a piece of property, do you go to the conservation authority first or the municipal planning office (or in Bruce, the county)?
401 Cayley St. residents returning to building
Residents have been returning to 401 Cayley St., Walkerton as repairs are completed.
Bruce County council discusses vaccination status of long-term care home staff
County Coun. Chris Peabody, Brockton, who chairs the county’s long-term care homes committee of management, concluded last week’s meeting by thanking the 15 county employees who were redeployed to both Brucelea Haven and Gateway Haven during the month of February.
Brockton council updated on hospital staffing situation
Mayor Chris Peabody said he’s pleased to learn that agency nurses are filling some important gaps at South Bruce Grey Health Centre (SBGHC).
‘Some of the numbers for violent crime are concerning’
Inspector Krista Miller, South Bruce OPP, presented the 2021 year-end report to Brockton council March 8.
Hawks down two in PJHL Pollock Division quarter-finals
The Mount Forest Patriots lead the Walkerton Hawks two games to none in the first round of playoffs.
Future of Walkerton’s Armoury Building uncertain – municipality seeks RFPs
For Bobbi-Jo Moran, it’s time to update the dream.
Shriners make donation to Saugeen Hospice
Bruce Shriners donated $500 to Saugeen Hospice Inc. on Friday, March 4, in front of Victoria Jubilee Hall. Accepting the cheque from Shriner David Inglis are hospice board member Steven Travale, left, and hospice board chair Carl Kuhnke, right. Inglis said the Shriners have donated to all the local
Bruce County Library provides update to Huron-Kinloss council
Joanna Aegard gave a presentation on the Bruce County library system to council on March 7.