A report prepared by Dieter Weltz, building and planning manager, and Sonya Watson, CAO, and presented at the Sept. 20 council meeting, discussed the municipal response to encampments.
Council, school board trustee candidates square off in Brockton all-candidates’ debate
Some of the issues raised at the candidates’ meeting at Victoria Jubilee Hall on Sept. 28 were expected, but there were a few surprises.
‘Walking together and learning together’
A group of special guests from Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation made the Truth and Reconciliation ceremony on Friday, Sept. 30, in Walkerton one that will long be remembered.
Saugeen Hospice holds AGM
Saugeen Hospice held its first annual general meeting on Sept. 21 in Hanover, featuring guest speaker Mary Winkler. Here, she stands with members of the board of directors of Saugeen Hospice.
Good Food Box helps take the ‘bite’ out of produce costs
Nutritious, fresh produce at a good cost is easy to find in the summer but not so much in the winter.
Walkerton Capitals play exciting season home opener
The newly-rebranded Walkerton Capitals started the season with a new and exciting energy, and the crowd that packed the stands loved it.
Vaccination the theme of Sept. 23 Grey-Bruce board of health meeting
Members of the Grey Bruce board of health heard a presentation by Lindsay Johnston, vaccine preventable disease program manager, in addition to updates on the COVID-19 vaccine and the seasonal flu vaccine.
Grey County takes different direction on homelessness response
Shortly after Bruce County made its presentation to Brockton about homelessness on Sept. 20, Grey County announced it was bringing its programming for homelessness in-house.
Victoria Jubilee Hall crowd gives Séan McCann a standing ovation
Séan McCann (the Shantyman) treated an enthusiastic Victoria Jubilee Hall audience to a rousing set of sea shantys from his new album, Shantyman, and threw in some crowd favourites from his days with Great Big Sea.
IN PHOTOS: Run4Health 2022
And the winner is … Run4Health! Even the rain couldn’t put the damper on the annual fundraising run for the local hospital.
Brockton council concerned about local ER closures
Brockton council expressed concern about recent emergency room closures in the area.
Remembering our veterans
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 102 held a special ceremony at the Walkerton Cemetery to remember our veterans. Along with Legion members, participants included Air Cadets, Knights of Columbus, Masons, and Ontario Provincial Police. Several members of the public attended. In all, 422 names were read o
Brockton council hears how county is dealing with homelessness
It’s not an easy problem that suddenly appeared, with a quick, straight-forward solution.
Bruce County’s planning committee approves economic development pilot program
The county’s planning and development committee has approved a six-month pilot program – the creation of the temporary role of regional support economic development co-ordinator.
Bruce County wins three Hermes Creative Awards for 2022
Bruce County has won three prestigious Hermes Creative Awards for the “outstanding work in creative economic development video work and marketing campaigns,” said CAO Derrick Thomson.