LISTOWEL – Decoration Day services in Listowel will this year will feature a flyover tribute to…
Wingham Cricket Day organizers look to grow sport in local region
WINGHAM – The second annual Cricket Day was held in Wingham on June 2.
Hospital gala raises funds for clinic addition
Local health care supporters came dressed for a Kentucky Derby Party, as Run for the Roses was the theme of the 2024 Listowel Memorial Hospital Foundation Gala at the Elma Memorial Community Centre, June 1.
Is better liquor access really worth $600 million?
Raise your hand if you’re having a harder time finding a stiff drink than a family doctor or an open emergency room in your community? How about an affordable home?
Legionnaires tie Mitchell in slugfest
The Listowel Junior Legionnaires slugged their way to a 11-11 tie with Mitchell at the John Bell South Ballpark in Listowel May 24.
Chance encounter inspires memories of life off-line
I recently found myself chatting with a stranger at a party. As we traded pleasantries, the topic of occupation came up and he explained he was a farmer, while I confessed to being a journalist (an admission that can induce some diverse reactions these days).
Allen Cup Hockey eyes Listowel entry
LISTOWEL – The operators of the Allan Cup Hockey league (ACH) are planning to expand the size of the four-team circuit and have targeted Listowel among the sites for potential new franchises.
Stop 23 Auto Sales continues committment to the Palmerston and District Hospital Foundation’s Starlight Gala
Stop 23 Auto Sales made another $20,000 installment on the Listowel car dealership’s multi-year committment to contribute $100,000 to the Palmerston and District Hospital Foundation’s Starlight Gala, which raises funds for hospital equipment.
Ignoring a crisis won’t make it go away
Ontarians will no doubt be thrilled to learn there is no shortage of physicians in the province.
Gutter politics
Official Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre created quite a stir in the past couple of weeks with his pledge to use the notwithstanding clause to override any laws that don’t suit his worldview in a bizarre op-ed piece in which he trashed every form of business association going.
Well testing no place to cut
Among the axioms we live by in the world of journalism is that stories, editorials and columns we expect to cause a stir, often don’t, while reports we deem innocuous can end up setting off a firestorm.
The Paper Bag Premier
Just when you thought our provincial government couldn’t possibly have any more flops to flip, Premier Doug Ford and Co. have managed to announce a reversal of yet another major policy initiative.
Editor post latest stop on journalistic journey
“So who is this guy?” you may be asking as you reach the opinion section of this week’s issue of your local newspaper?
Performing arts symposium to be held in Minto, May 23-26
Registration is now open for a province-wide performing arts symposium to be held in the Town of Minto in May.
Proposal to end free water testing for private wells raises alarm bells
A regional source water protection committee is sounding the alarm about a proposal to end free water testing for private wells in Ontario.