The county’s paramedic services department is slated to purchase a new ambulance next year, however to get ahead of delays, staff asked to purchase the vehicle this year, with the hope of delivery in 2025.
The Trials of Maggie Pollock will make you a believer
Blyth Festival Theatre’s latest stage performance, The Trials of Maggie Pollock, is based on an unusual trial that took place at the Goderich courthouse in 1920, one where the accused was convicted of witchcraft.
County cancels grant program, reinvests money into AEDs
Council previously directed staff to determine the viability of the Cultivating Opportunity grant program, and at the Aug. 1 meeting it was decided that the money associated would be reinvested into the purchase of automated external defibrillators (AEDs).
Resort to Murder is hilariously horrific and terrifyingly tremendous
Murder and humour don’t usually go together. Perhaps the only exception is in Resort to Murder by Brigitte Solem, on stage at the Blyth Festival Theatre’s Memorial Hall.
Wingham Advance Times Aug. 1, 2024 turnbacks
1924 - “Scottie” Ross brought a bunch of about as nice looking speckled trout as we have even seen, into our office on Thursday morning. He went out good and early and just where he went is his own business evidently for he is not telling anyone. He caught nineteen beauties, but we can’t vouch for h
Concerned parents of Westfield E.S. students calling for principal to resign over school-wide rainbow photo
A group of over 100 parents on the Facebook group titled Concerned Parents of Westfield E.S. are distraught with the way the school’s principal coordinated a school-wide rainbow photo in support of Pride Month on June 27.
Report names firefighter recruitment, strategy for false alarms, among others as a focus for NPFD
Although provincial legislation requires all municipalities to conduct a community risk assessment (CRA), Manager of Development & Protective Services/ Fire Chief Janny Pape said, “By identifying fire and safety risks and prioritizing those risks, fire departments are better positioned to determine
Listowel Banner July 25, 2024 turnbacks
2014 - Candice De Weerd was crowned the 2014 Listowel Fair Ambassador
Wingham Advance Times July 25,2024 turnbacks
1974 - Both the Town of Listowel and the Village of Brussels, according to a report by the Ministry of Environment, were polluting the waters of the Middle Maitland River with “untreated municipal-industrial wastes” entering the river through “uncontrolled municipal and industrial sewers”.
Listowel Squash Courts decides to close its doors after struggling to meet commercial code
After renovating his business location in the summer of 2023, Alan McArthur, owner of Listowel Squash Courts, learned he should have applied for building permits ahead of the work to a loft space in the unit he rented. Since then, he says he has been working to rectify these issues.
Social Services Department shares data on local homelessness, housing
According to a presentation to council last week, as of June 30, 2024, there were 524 applicants on a centralized waiting list for housing through the City of Stratford Social Services Department.
North Perth officially appoints new CBO
Council unanimously passed a bylaw at its July 8 meeting to officially appoint Sally McMullen as the Chief Building Official (CBO) for the Municipality of North Perth.
Integrity commissioner finds Kellum did not have conflict of interest
A report by Guy Giorno, Integrity Commissioner for the Municipality of North Perth, dated July 2, 2024, found Deputy Mayor Doug Kellum did not violate the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. The report stemmed from a complaint made by Ron Scott.
Council removes holding on Listowel mobile home community expansion
Council agreed to remove a holding provision, thus allowing the expansion of the Listowel mobile home community at its July 8 council meeting.
Brockton mayor looks forward to this Friday’s Streetfest
Mayor Chris Peabody said in an interview after the July 9 council meeting that he finds county staff’s stand on a planning matter, “weird.”