Speed demon

Seth Klages, 8, of Newton grabs some air at the Elma Township Public School hill on Dec. 28. Plenty of sledders young and old alike took to the iconic Newry landmark to get in some winter fun over the Christmas holidays.

‘Lost in this place, and leave no trace…’

Yes, there’s an Iron Maiden song for that. In this case it is 1986’s “Stranger in a Strange Land,” loosely based on the 1980s rediscovery and excavation/autopsy of the first three men to die on Sir John Franklin’s infamous and doomed Arctic expedition that set out from England in 1845 to find the No

Reindeer games

Milverton Public School held its 2022 Christmas concert on Wednesday, Dec. 14, with its student body providing a variety of entertaining songs and dances for everyone in attendance. Pictured: Grade 1 students Lillie Poole and Madelyn Van Herk perform the ‘Eight Little Reindeer’ rap.