Coun. Anita Van Hittersum pulled an item from the correspondence to North Huron council, requesting that they send a letter of support to the Ontario government for Bill 5 - Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act.
Three North Huron employees appear on ‘Sunshine List’
Three employees of the Township of North Huron have been named on the annual “Sunshine List.”
North Huron council formally approves budget in recorded vote
The Township of North Huron held its statutory public meeting related to the 2023 budget on April 3, despite the absence of the Director of Finance, Chris Townes, who was ill, according to Reeve Paul Heffer.
Broken heart
On March 13, I received some devastating news. My niece passed away at 28, leaving behind her 11-year-old daughter and eight-month-old son.
Bill 23 and agriculture – how local farmers are affected
The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) recently released an informative webinar titled “Home Grown: The Impacts of Bill 23 on Agriculture Across Ontario.”
Shoreline mapping
Maitland Conservation (MC) held a Shoreline Mapping information centre on March 7 at the Knights of Columbus Centre in Goderich, showcasing the completed draft hazard mapping and speaking to citizens about how this may affect their shoreline property.
What is a closed session? And why can’t council disclose land appraisals in open session?
Numerous requests for more details about the sale of municipally-owned land have been made to North Huron council, specifically regarding the recent sale of land earmarked for future development at Hutton Heights and last year’s sale of a portion of the Wingham airport.
Making a mountain out of a molehill
Communication. That’s the word of the day in my house. How quickly things can go downhill if these skills (we as adults should already possess) are not used.
Another local business makes large donation to Maitland River Elementary
Maitland River Elementary School received a $5,000 donation towards the modernization of its library from another local business, this time from Morrison Bros. Ltd.
Wingham & Area Historical Society seeking memories for first major project
The newly-formed Wingham & Area Historical Society held a meeting on March 8 at the Alice Munro Library, where it discussed plans moving forward, had a brainstorming session, and watched a portion of a black and white, silent DVD titled ‘Stars of the Town’ [of Wingham in 1949].
Maitland Munchies ‘room service’ program to continue
During the dark days of the pandemic, when children were separated into “cohorts” at school and confined to the classroom, Maitland River Elementary School Principal Angela Cowley tried something new at the school: room service.
Local Indigenous knowledge keeper shares sweat lodge teachings
A long time ago, the Anishinaabe (Ojibway) People received the gift of the sweat lodge from Misho’mis-i-non’-nig nee-zhwa’-swi (our Seven Grandfathers).
IN PHOTOS: Renovations underway for Northern Huron Connection Centre
The Northern Huron Connection Centre renovations are underway in the basement of St. Paul’s Trinity Anglican Church. Showers, extra washrooms and laundry facilities are framed in, with two new offices, and a common area with tables and chairs will be available for use sometime in April.
Wingham and Blyth BIA members approved for term
The township approved the Business Improvement Association (BIA) members for the 2022-26 term of council for both Wingham and Blyth, at the March 6 North Huron council meeting.
Local business donates $4,000 to school to offset field trip bussing costs
The principal of Maitland River Elementary School, Angela Cowley, is happy to announce that the annual school trip to the River Valley Winter Tube Slide in St. Marys is happening this year, thanks to the kindness of a community business.