I’m sorry that I missed wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Artificial intelligence offers applications for health industry
I first started writing columns about “My Voyage with Dementia” about 84 months ago.
Frustrations with the medical system
I try to remember back to December, 2017. It was on this year that I had a SPECT brain scan and was…
A feeding tube journey
I have been researching the medications and vitamins that are available to me and fed to me, while I was fed through my stomach.
Confusion – my name is Bob and I have dementia
Writing these columns helps to keep my cognitive brain active but sometimes confusion takes over.
Medications and vitamins – knowledge is good
The following medications and vitamins or typical to someone with a number of diseases. Not only…
My vitamins and medications
Like it or not I’m not in control of the medications that are prescribed by my doctors – the specialists. However, I am in control of the vitamins that I take on a regular basis.
Living life in the fast lane
A few weeks ago, I started to urinate blood – not steady, just intermittently.
Microbiome and my garden
The gut microbiome are the trillions of microorganisms – primarily bacteria, but also fungi, viruses and protists – that live inside the digestive system.
Today, I lost a good friend
No, no one had died. However, a good friend of the last nine years has moved away.
Natural remedies for a natural life
My television, through its advertising, continually recommends special pills, creams, etc., to cure all remedies. I don’t believe these advertisements.
The mind does run the body
What a week this has been! I go from a “Feeling Good” to an accident victim (of my own stupidity).
The mind runs the body and the body feeds the mind
You had better believe it. It is seldom that the body and the mind do not work together, but not with me. It is not just ‘old age’ that causes my body and my mind to cease operating together. But that is what has happened to me. A disease called dermatomyositis (DM) has taken over my total body. Thi
Good feeling continues into spring of 2024
Finally, the snow has stopped and melted. It is time to get the garden planted. I estimate that we have had our last frost.
I am feeling good
I am feeling good. Especially good for an almost 85-year-old senior guy (me) with a number of maladies.