Zone 4 Chair visits Formosa Lions

FORMOSA – Formosa Lion President Jim Batte welcomed and introduced Zone 4 Chair Lion Paul Kozma from Kincardine. Lion Paul mentioned how Lions Clubs are coping with COVID-19. He spoke about Campaign 100, which began to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Lions International, which was organized in 1917 by Melvin Jones. The goal of Campaign 100 is to raise $300 million to increase service impact across the current Lions focus areas: vision, youth, disasters, humanitarian, diabetes, and to expand global causes by identifying and developing new ways to impact our world and its most vulnerable inhabitants in new focus areas such as environment, childhood cancer and hunger.

Currently, Lions Clubs have raised $211 million globally. Lion Paul spoke on LCIF (Lions Club International Foundation) and all funds donated by Canadian clubs stay in Canada. Lion Vern Inglis thanked Lion Paul for his presentation and the Formosa Lions made a donation to Campaign 100.

Tail Twister Lion Marianne Batte ran a Thanksgiving draw with everyone entering their name when they told a “turkey story” or did a “turkey imitation.” Lion Vern won the turkey roll and Lion Peter Evans won the flowers.

The Salvation Army Christmas Kettles will take place again this year. Formosa Lions will man the kettle at Kaufman’s Your Independent Grocer in Walkerton on Dec. 10 and 11. If you can help, please do let President Lion Jim know. The Formosa Lions donated $500 to the Walkerton Hospital and $500 to the Wingham Hospital during the CKNX Health Care Heroes Radiothon.

The Formosa Lions will host the Formosa Country Christmas house decorating contest again this year with first, second and third prizes of $200, $100, and $50 being awarded. The judging will take place the week before the four-day event which will be held on Dec. 2-5.

The monthly lottery draw was held with $40 winners as follows: Anne Klunder, Bonnie and Bruce Fischer, Richard and Janet Dentinger, Mike and Agnes Hallahan and Joy Codnar.

Joan M. Borho