NORTH PERTH – For approximately 15 years, the Upper Maitland Mustangs (UMM) has been an established and growing girls’ hockey organization in the area. And for many of those years of existence, the club’s executive leadership has been attempting to secure regular primetime ice directly within Listowel with very little progress. None, in fact, prior…
Upper Maitland Mustangs advocate for equitable share of primetime ice
‘There’s a quantity issue and there’s also a quality of ice time issue’
Dan McNeeDecember 14, 2023 @ 10:11 amListowel Banner, Local News, News, Sports

The U15 Upper Maitland Mustangs girls’ hockey team pictured in action against the Kincardine Kinucks during its regular Saturday afternoon primetime ice slot at the Steve Kerr Memorial Complex on Dec. 9. For years the Mustangs have been attempting to secure regular ice time in Listowel to no avail; 2023-24 marked the first time the organization was able to get its foot in the door for usage for its registrant base, of which 50 per cent reside in Listowel directly. Upper Maitland President Kevin Reesor and Vice-President Tim Bridge believe their organization’s difficulties are systemic in nature, with the need for a formal North Perth ice allocation policy to make primetime ice equitable for all user groups in the municipality. That ice allocation policy continues to be drafted under the direction of the North Perth Recreation Advisory Committee. (Dan McNee photo)