WINGHAM – The U13 Wingham LL Yellow won the WOAA championship against the Owen Sound Jr. Attack Gold on Sunday, March 24, defeating them 10-2. Their undefeated playoff season was no small feat. The team’s previous achievements earlier in the season included bringing home silver in the Doug Perks Memorial Tournament in Seaforth as well…
U13 Wingham win at WOAA championship
SubmittedMarch 28, 2024 @ 9:00 amSports, Wingham Advance Times
Players (out of order) are: Brock Buchanan-Post, Tyson Cook, Liam Degroot, Reid Haanstra, Gage Henry, Rory Jamieson, Jay McCallum, Braydon Myers, Spencer Stapleton, Jaxon Tousignant, Nolan Garniss, Blake Haanstra, Shawn Warwick, JP Warwick, and Scott Warwick. Staff: Head Coach Rob Warwick, Assistant Coach Ryan Cook, Trainer Tash Buchanan, Manager Jamie McCallum, and Parent Rep Sarah Haanstra. (Contributed Photo)