Mark 1:17 says, “Jesus called out to them, ‘Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!’”
What an invitation Jesus gave to these fishermen. Jesus Centered by Steve Brown explores this invitation a little deeper and encourages listeners to be led more by Jesus, to lead more like Jesus and lead more to Jesus.
“There was a storm brewing above and within the water. They found themselves in the midst of it, getting drenched by the powerful waves and hit by the harsh winds. They were desperately searching for land, scanning the horizon for a sign of safety. And then they saw something… well, they saw someone. Someone was walking on the water… But as Peter and the rest watched, they realized their Friend was doing the impossible. Jesus’ arrival on the scene was an unexpected disruption that was going to change everything.” (Jesus Centered, pages 3-4).
“When Jesus first met Peter, He said three life-changing words to both Peter and his brother Andrew: ‘Come, follow me.’ (Matthew 4:19). Those three words were a grand disruption. They had to clear their plans for the day.” (Jesus Centered, page 4)
Has Jesus disrupted your life? He extends the invitation for us to follow Him today. Jesus is gentle and kind as He invites us to follow Him: “Notice that Jesus doesn’t plead nor force His way with Peter and Andrew. He invites. Peter and Andrew had a choice. The same goes for you and me. Jesus invites you to follow Him.” (Jesus Centered, page 4).
The invitation to follow Jesus usually excludes a lot of explanation and includes many unknowns. We can think of stories from both the Old and New Testament of the Bible and see people like Moses and Mary who faced unknowns as their lives were disrupted by Jesus. Moses was disrupted by a burning bush in the wilderness. Mary was disrupted as a teenager and told she would give birth to God’s son. These are huge disruptions. How has God disrupted your life? What is your story of faith? The pattern seems to be that God disrupts people’s lives and then invites them to follow Him.
“Following Jesus means surrendering our will, our hopes and our preferences to Him. This surrender is a decision that begins our relationship with Him… This invitation to ‘take up your cross and follow me’ was as Philip Yancey writes, ‘the least manipulative
invitation that has ever been given.’” (Jesus Centered, page 11).
Jesus still invites us to follow Him. Mark 8:35 says, “If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it.”
Kevin Nethercott is the director at YFC/Youth Unlimited North Perth.