BROCKTON – Who would have thought a swamp could be so fascinating, and become a draw for tourism? Shannon Wood and Gary Napper from the Cargill Greenock Swamp Promotional Association made a presentation to council at the Feb. 6 meeting, outlining the highlights of 2023 and plans for 2024. Wood said 2023 was successful, with…
Swamp tours to continue in 2024, with new event
Pauline KerrFebruary 15, 2024 @ 9:00 amNews, Walkerton Herald-Times
An enthusiastic group of visitors from the 24th annual Huron Fringe Birding Festival got a special tour of Brockton’s Greenock Swamp last week. The festival offers an incredible 90-plus events over two four-day weekends in late May and early June each year. Hundreds of individuals attend this festival from all over Ontario. The group tallied a remarkable 56 different bird species during their tour in the swamp, considering the weather was cool and overcast. Pictured here, birders with a sense of humour playfully pose with their binoculars for a picture at Schmidt Lake. (Contributed Photo)