It may be a month away, but planning for the annual take-out chicken barbecue at St. Thomas’ Anglican Church is already well underway. Wednesday, Sept. 13 from 5-6:30 p.m. promises to be quite the show, orchestrated again by Bob Foreman and his crew. The popular take-out chicken meal includes coleslaw, buns and baked potato with yummy homemade butter tart for dessert. Tickets are available at Brown’s Guardian Pharmacy and Holst Office Supplies in Walkerton. Ticket numbers are limited – $20 adults and $12 for children aged 11 and under. To reserve your tickets, call Janice at 519-881-2972 or Trudy at 519-881-2247. Pictured: Foreman barbecuing last year’s chicken dinner over the huge charcoal fire.
St. Thomas’ Anglican Church chicken BBQ fast approaching
SubmittedAugust 9, 2023 @ 1:21 pmLocal News, Walkerton Herald-Times