GREY-BRUCE – A press release from Bill Heikkila, chair of the board of directors of South Bruce Grey Health Centre, on Monday, Nov. 28, stated the following:
“The board of directors of SBGHC regrets to announce that the president and CEO Michael Barrett has elected not to renew his contract beyond its expiration date of March 31, 2023.”
Barrett said in an interview that he had told Heikkila of his decision last month; he informed the staff last week.
“I’ve enjoyed the staff, the physicians, the community, the board,” he said. “But it’s time to be closer to home.”
Home is London. Barrett said he decided not to continue living away from family during the week.
He wants to give the board time to find a new president and CEO, he said, noting, “there’s a strong need for hospital leadership right across the province.”
Heikkila said in the press release, “Michael has provided over four years of outstanding leadership to SBGHC through some very difficult times, especially during the COVID pandemic, and the current crisis associated with the province-wide shortage of health human resources.”
Although COVID was certainly a challenge, Barrett noted that it brought the hospital community together.
“While everything else was closed, we had to stay open, to provide service,” he said.
He described how everyone “rallied together” to ensure that happened.
Heikkila said of Barrett, “His extensive experience, along with his collaboration and communications skills, have advanced health care at SBGHC and throughout the region.
“He has also been a strong voice for rural health care at provincial tables,” said Heikkila, “and while the board of directors is very willing to renew his contract, we completely understand Michael’s desire to spend more time closer to his family in London.”
During Barrett’s tenure, a comprehensive Strategic Plan was developed and implemented, a regional Ontario Health Team (OHT) was created and approved, and a detailed nursing recruitment and retention action plan was developed and implemented for SBGHC. In addition, working closely with the four hospital foundations, SBGHC has seen substantial capital projects and improvements at all four hospital sites, with more still in the works.
The recruitment process has been initiated with a goal of having a new president and CEO in place in time to allow a suitable overlap prior to Barrett’s departure.