WINGHAM – Wingham’s Royal Homes Ltd. presented a cheque for $25,000 to members of the ‘Inspiring our Future Campaign’ to help in their efforts to repair and upgrade the Brussels Morris Grey Community Centre (BMGCC). The cheque was presented on Tuesday, Aug. 23. “Our ‘Inspiring Our Future’ Fundraising Committee appreciates this generous donation and reinforces…
Royal Homes donates $25K to BMGCC reno project
Cory BilyeaAugust 24, 2022 @ 12:59 pmBusiness, Sports, Wingham Advance Times
Royal Homes presented the Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre's Inspiring Our Future campaign with a cheque for $25,000 on Tuesday, Aug. 23. Pictured, from left: Brian TenPas, Inspiring Our Future chair; Pieter Venema, president, Royal Homes; Klaas Jorritsma, vice-president, Royal Homes; Doug McArter, Inspiring Our Future vice-chair; and Kevin Deitner, Inspiring Our Future canvasser. (Cory Bilyea photo)