WINGHAM – Royal Homes Ltd. has joined the growing group of donors supporting the Caring Together campaign to bring a new CT scanner to the Wingham & District Hospital. Royal Homes has generously contributed $150,000 to the campaign. Owners Doug Kuyvenhoven, Klaas Jorritsma and Pieter Venema feel strongly that local businesses and individuals have a…
Royal Homes donates $150K to CT scanner at WDH
SubmittedFebruary 15, 2024 @ 9:00 amNews, Wingham Advance Times
Contributed Photo
Royal Homes Ltd. made a recent $150,000 donation supporting the Caring Together campaign to bring a new CT scanner to the Wingham & District Hospital. Pictured, from left: Royal Homes Vice-President Doug Kuyvenhoven, Campaign Chair Mark Foxton, WDH Foundation Executive Director Nicole Duquette-Jutzi, Royal Homes President Pieter Venema, and Royal Homes Vice-President of Operations Klaas Jorritsma.