The Rotary Club recently held its seventh drawing of the Walkerton Lottery. Winners in this drawing include: Glen and Laurie Fischer ($1,000), Kara Kuhlman and Marg Waechter ($500), Gord and Pauline Francis ($300), Don Butland ($250), Brian Schmidt ($200) and Mike and Cathy Moran ($150). The draw was made by Linda Cooke (right) under the watchful eyes of Rotarians Tom Traversy, Flo Gutscher and Tim Mancell.
Rotary Club holds seventh drawing of Walkerton Lottery
SubmittedMarch 23, 2023 @ 10:14 amLocal News, Walkerton Herald-Times

The Rotary Club recently held its seventh drawing of the Walkerton Lottery. Winners in this drawing include Glen and Laurie Fischer ($1,000), Kara Kuhlman and Marg Waechter ($500), Gord and Pauline Francis ($300), Don Butland ($250), Brian Schmidt ($200) and Mike and Cathy Moran ($150). The draw was made by Linda Cooke (right) under the watchful eyes of Rotarians Tom Traversy, Flo Gutscher and Tim Mancell. (Submitted photo)